From Section IV of The F-Model of Dreaming:


Although every “No” against the dragon named Thou Shalt marks a change in course or in momentum, spirit likewise requires a “sacred Yes,” the affirmation of creation. Negation will not suffice alone. So, spirit must become a child. “Innocence and forgetting, a new

beginning, a game, a self-propelled wheel, a first movement” (Nietzsche, p139)…

Hillel the Elder said—and I paraphrase—“If I am not looking out for me, then who is looking out for me? And yet, if I am only looking out for myself, what exactly is my ‘self?’ And if I don’t take responsibility for myself now, then when will I?” Only one thing will remain, when everything else gives way...even as the forms reshuffle.

Chapter 10:


An oxymoronic motto of Emperor Augustus was festina lente: "hurry slowly." This is intended to encourage proceeding swiftly, but with calm and caution. We can never be sure how much effort will be required, or exactly how many trials are still ahead, even as we can view our goal approaching. Remember, in a labyrinth you may seem near the center, in a sense, except there may still be multiple convoluted paths, and insurmountable walls which must be circumvented, before the circuit has been completed. We may even see the prize, almost within grasp. “Often in primitive tales when a satisfactory ending seems imminent, the whole thing blows up” (von Franz, p189). I am a fan of the long Game. Play as if you were built to last.

THAT WHICH REMAINS AMIDST CHANGE…Read more of this excerpt from The F-Model of Dreaming

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